714.1515/64: Telegram

The Chargé in Guatemala (Thurston) to the Secretary of State

Boundary dispute. The Minister for Foreign Affairs called yesterday and to-day and stated that Guatemalan forces would be withdrawn from Rio Nuevo. The President instructed the Minister of Foreign Affairs to repeat Guatemalan authorities’ willingness to narrow neutral zone to places named in my telegram of January 10, 11 p.m., provided that Honduranean forces also withdrew. The Minister of Foreign Affairs suggested that Government of United States name the date for the withdrawal.

With reference to concessionary rights the argument is now presented by the President that in this case the circumstances are unusual since both Governments have given concessions in the disputed territory which fact makes it imperative that the neutral zone shall be respected by all parties concerned. The concrete case of the Cuyamel Kailroad is cited for the purpose of showing that its advance in the disputed territory carries it over properties conceded by Guatemala to American and other companies. The request is renewed that the Cuyamel be made to cease its advance pending decision boundary dispute and only work on its holdings between Omoa and Colon farm.
