861.00/5228: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
3184. For Polk: Following from Vice Consul at Viborg just returned from Reval,
“107, 17th. Proposal Bolsheviks to Esthonians for peace negotiations is now under consideration. Bolsheviks through Zinovieff have announced one object of such peace will be the exchange of goods with Esthonia. May I call to the Department’s attention the fact that in the event of the consummation of such peace there is danger that American food sent in to Esthonia may reach the Bolsheviks.”
Russian Ambassador informs me that Kolchak government did not authorize reported agreement between Yudenitch and Esthonians recognizing their independence and further that French Government has advised Esthonians that peace with Bolsheviki would require an adequate alteration of Franco-Esthonian relations. What attitude have British assumed regarding peace proposals? As Department understands food was furnished to Esthonia in exchange for obligations of that Government it would seem proper that further supplies excepting for Yudenitch should cease and adequate safeguards obtained that food already furnished shall not reach Bolsheviki. Do you believe Mission should so inform Esthonian representatives at Paris?