861.00/5249: Telegram
The Commissioner at Helsingfors (Haynes) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received September 20, 3:48 p.m.]
421. Bolsheviki committed so many crimes last January when invading Esthonia within fifteen miles Reval, that Esthonia fears [recurrence?] and especially since the Bolsheviki are now so much stronger. Esthonia after nine months’ exhaustive fighting is at the end of its resistance, its people clamoring that the Allies are using them as cats-paw; no conciliation possible with the Russian Northwest Army; a Russian general arrested in Reval streets last Wednesday. The head Russian Red Cross arrested, fined 10,000 marks and expelled from the country. Russian guards transport wagons overpowered and supplies taken. Esthonian authorities afraid cannot restrain people much longer unless peace is made with the Bolsheviki. Esthonians say cannot expect British assistance if Bolsheviki invade country again because Great Britain reiterates it cannot take sides in civil war. Also assert that if their independence is not recognized and guaranteed by the United States and Great [Page 712] Britain then Kolchak victory will mean coercing of Esthonia with an end of its independence dream and a restoration of the eternally hated Baltic barons who would exert terrible revenge.