861.48/925: Telegram

The Commission to Negotiate Peace to the Secretary of State

3634. Your 2750, August 7.

Hoover has furnished 22,200 tons food to the civilian population in the rear of army of General Yudenitch and has taken in exchange securities furnished by Kolchack Government. Esthonians have agreed to divert to area in rear of Yudenitch 5,500 tons of food now on way to Esthonia, provided it is replaced by food commission and this can probably be done. Hoover has accepted securities sufficient to more than cover all food sent for in area behind Yudenitch army including 5,500 tons in question. Hoover’s office reports that food for population in rear of Yudenitch army has always been sent with specific understanding that it was for the civilian population. It is believed that a good deal of it has gotten through [to] the army.
General Yudenitch is requesting 18,000 tons food for his army, but has been informed by food commission that latter has no more funds and can furnish no more food.
Liquidation Commission furnished 55 three-ton trucks for the purpose of distributing food to civilian population in rear of Yudenitch army. These trucks, together with 1,000 tons Red Cross supplies for the same area, are on board ship in French port ready for transportation. No more food supplies can be furnished anyone from surplus stores of American Army in France, because under [Page 701] agreement between Liquidation Commission and French representatives, all these surplus stores have been turned over to French at a lump sum agreed on and it is understood that the latter is taking possession.
Your number 2756 dated August 8th.37 Informed that three British ships are now unloading military supplies for Yudenitch army and that September 1st is the tentative date for advance of Yudenitch against Petrograd. If additional military supplies are required for this expedition, shortness of time makes it desirable that they be supplied by the Allies rather than the United States.
American Mission
  1. Not printed.