
The Secretary of War (Baker) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: On August 1st you transmitted to me a copy of an agreement between the American Relief Administration [Page 700] at Paris and General Hermonius,36 acting on behalf of Admiral Kolchak, and asked whether the terms of this arrangement could be applied to the Liquidation Commission in Paris.

I have the honor to inform you that the Liquidation Commission in Paris has disposed of the surplus supplies of the American Expeditionary Forces in France to the French Government. Such additional surplus supplies as are in Europe are largely in the occupied area, but of these a substantial portion has been already sold to Belgium, and arrangements are pending for the sale of the residue.

It would seem, therefore, that there are no foodstuffs of a general nature available for disposal to Admiral Kolchak, and it will be unnecessary to consider whether the arrangement made by Mr. Hoover would be acceptable or not.

Respectfully yours,

Newton D. Baker
  1. Ante, p. 693.