861.77/1057: Telegram

The American member of the Inter-Allied Railway Committee (Smith) to the Secretary of State, transmitted by the Consul at Vladivostok (Caldwell)

494. Following from Smith:

“My 474, August 21, 10 a.m. Committee has been pressing Matsudaira for report on letter of General Otani. At last meeting he reported that letter had been correctly translated and that a mistake had been made regarding point d’appui [sic]. This letter will be recalled and new one written, second letter not yet received.

Japanese are now sending new division of troops to replace division at Chita which is supposed to return to Japan. Matsudaira claims that these new officers have very clear instructions regarding their duties and hopes there will be no more difficulties. Time will tell. A second time he said that the Americans should take over the guarding of the sector from Manchuria to Verkhneudinsk. His reason is that the Japanese guards and the American inspectors do not understand each other and he wishes to avoid friction. He knows very well that Americans have not enough troops for this and perhaps wishes to hear an offer to replace American inspectors by Japanese which will not do. [Smith.”]

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