861.77/1058: Telegram

The American member of the Inter-Allied Railway Committee (Smith) to the Secretary of State, transmitted by the Consul at Vladivostok (Caldwell)

488. The following telegram sent from Smith:

“Your August 21, 4 p.m. regarding the withdrawal of inspectors. The Committee passed the following resolution:

‘Any general withdrawal of Allied inspectors from any section of the railway is a matter for the decision of the Inter-Allied Railway Committee. Nevertheless, in case of emergency Technical Board may withdraw inspectors from the line subject to the approval of the Committee’.

The members realize that as telegrams sometime travel very slow quick action may at times be necessary and decided as above. The general opinion of members is that Stevens acted in right manner this time for his action gave the Committee the opportunity to handle this more decisively with the Japanese military.

Semenoff has been here and stated that he would no longer interfere with the railroad management and would prevent his officers and men from doing it. Matsudaira informed me that the Japanese had told Semenoff that he must cease his actions against the railway. Semenoff has returned to Chita via Amur Railway. We shall await results. A young officer of Semenoff, while drinking, stated that if [Page 579] Omsk Government fell Semenoff would declare himself dictator of territory east of Baikal and would receive support of Japanese. Smith.[”]
