Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/226: Telegram

General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

188. Although Diamandi on the 3d informed Sir George Clerk Roumanians would begin to evacuate on the 9th, no official word has yet been received by the Military Mission. Diamandi yesterday informed Gorton that they expected to be ready to evacuate on the 9th, to begin to do so on the 11th and to finish by the 13th, and stated that such communication had been sent to the Mission. We are now [Page 717] trying to find it. Everything indicates that Roumanians are planning to evacuate only to the line of Tisza. Their commander between the Tisza and the line of demarcation has organized a provisional civil government and has taken steps which indicate an intention to retain sovereignty. They will undoubtedly try to hold this territory in an effort to obtain demanded territorial concessions which were refused by the Supreme Council. Friedrich has announced willingness to resign whenever Roumanians withdraw to their line of demarcation.
