Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/213: Telegram

General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

181. To avoid overloading the line it is requested that the following telegram be delivered to the Supreme Council and that a copy be furnished the British Commission:

“Supreme Council, Peace Conference, Paris. Armistice of August 2nd between Roumanian and Hungarian forces provided that Hungarian officers should supervise disarming of their own troops and would then be given freedom with retention of arms. Hungarian troops being disarmed officers were required to report daily but about August 7th despite agreement many officers throughout Hungary were arrested and sent to Arad. Most all so-called prisoners of war were arrested after the armistice and when disarmed instead of being captured during a gallant advance. During transfer from place of arrest to prisons many of both officers and men were beaten, maltreated and robbed by Roumanian officers and soldiers’ and prisoners’ former [female] relatives insulted when visiting prisoners. Mission’s committee sent to investigate prisoner of war camps visited Arad Citadel, Brasso Citadel, Bertalon Hospital, Camp Christian, Camp [Page 714] Rajnov and Fogaras. Committee consisted of Colonel Raymond Sheldon, U. S. A., Dr. Hector Munro of International Hospital Relief Association, Captain Georges Burnier of Swiss Army and delegate on International Red Cross and First Lieut. Francesco Braccio of Italian Medical Corps. All reports of committee were unanimous, were practically same as quoted in telegram of October 13th66 and in general resembled following extracts from report on interned civilians at Arad, Brasso and Fogaras:

‘At Arad about 100 men and boys occupy casements [casemates] of fortress. No preparation whatsoever had been made for them. No beds nor wooden boards to sleep [on], floors were of concrete. No heating stoves, weather wet and bitterly cold. Many windows broken, food provided not by Roumanians but by local Hungarian Red Cross under order from Roumanians. Very few of the men had overcoats, none had blankets, many were without boots and underclothing. Some had no jackets. It would be difficult to describe the abject misery of these men and youths. Many were blue with cold; half starved and worried about their private affairs. Some were quite youths, one 16 years; some upwards of 60 years of age. At Brasso in citadel we found 121 civilian prisoners, mixed with military and in same building. Latrines are thoroughly unsanitary and inadequate. Among civilian prisoners are six women, one evidently an educated [woman] who has written poetry. They were housed in a room 10 feet by 19. Five sleep on one bench [and] one in a bed. No special sanitary arrangements were made for them and they have to use the men’s latrines. At Fogaras we found 72 civilian prisoners. They were housed with military and their condition has already been described. Many of these prisoners had no boots, no underclothing, and one had no trousers. He wore a kilt made of carpet. All were inadequately clad for winter weather. They accused Roumanian soldiers and in some instances officers of stealing their clothing, boots and private property. We found four boys, two of 13 and two of 14 years old. One old man of 76. Many were suffering from incurable diseases.’

Nevertheless we are still enemies [allies] of a nation guilty of conduct above described, which continues to treat inhabitants of country between the Danube and the Theiss as reported in telegram of October 13th and which has repeatedly ignored or flatly turned down the requests of representatives of the Supreme Council. Roumanians claim many prisoners are Bolshevists, but prisoners deny charges. On October 20th, Roumanian Commander was asked to immediately liberate officer prisoners of war and civilians at Arad and to arrange with Hungarian Government for liberation from other camps, and on October 22nd he was also requested to return from Szolnok to Budapest 43 idle locomotives that were urgently needed for food distribution. No action taken on any of these requests: not even the courtesy of a reply. Supreme Council’s telegram of October 18th67 stated that Sir George Clerk would inform Mission that the Council had decided take all the measures necessary to force the Roumanian Government to follow line of conduct it was requested to adopt. There is as yet no noticeable change in Roumanian attitude and situation becoming intolerable. If Roumanians allowed to remain until a coalition government is formed consequences, at present rate of progress, will be more serious. Difficulties encountered in accomplishing our mission are increasing rapidly. Under instructions of August 13th even though representing the Supreme Council this Mission can give no orders to Roumanians. [Page 715] In view of Mission’s telegram of 13th instant stating that either the Roumanians should be forced to evacuate Hungary at once or that this Mission should be relieved it is realized that the Mission will not be held responsible for consequences that may result from Roumanian refusal to evacuate but it is deemed necessary to present the facts to the Supreme Council. Signed Interallied Military Mission.”

  1. Appendix A to HD–71, vol. viii, p. 678.
  2. Appendix C to HD–72, ibid., p. 698.