Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/14: Telegram
General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
[Received August 17—10:30 p.m.]
7. Believe that Roumania doing utmost to delay withdrawal in order continue looting of Hungary. Despite promises and their issued instructions stop requisitioning in Budapest, is practically continuing. Their game is apparently to so discourage people of Hungary that political union with Roumania will be acceptable. Some Hungarians already willing accept union along line of Austria-Hungary Monarchy. Archduke last night told French General he had reconsidered and would not abdicate. This French General practically commanded Roumania Army, but withdrew to Bulgaria just prior invasion of Hungary. He did not arrive Budapest until night of August 12th and expected to preside over and dominate this Mission. He was evidently disappointed to find daily rotation of chairmanship in operation. Believe French somewhat favorable to Roumanians but do not desire offend Hungary; anyway there is no [Page 641] evident indication to expedite our work. Italians are apparently favorable to Hungary, but intensely disliked by Roumania. Most of the time of Mission sessions is devoted to oratory and gesticulation. So far English General and myself in complete accord.
This morning Roumanian General Holban wired to arrange at once with Hungarians and rearm 6,000 police for Budapest and to locate his men along city’s perimeter. Beginning tomorrow Mission will be located in Royal Palace.