Paris Peace Conf. 181.9202/12: Telegram

General Bandholtz to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

5. Please consider my four previous telegrams12 as numbered accordingly.

The authorized Roumanian High Commissioner seems to be authorized to express only his personal opinions and to feel obliged to refer all official matters to his Government by courier. The whole game is one of delay. The French representative [who] was chairman is apparently not desirous to [of] expediting our work and proposed no session tomorrow as it is some kind of a religious holiday. He was overruled. He had an interview Wednesday night with Archduke Joseph during which the latter stated he would abdicate or resign as soon as a good Socialist government was organized. As matters were progressing too slowly the undersigned this afternoon submitted the following memorandum:

“To the Interallied Military Mission to Hungary.

It is submitted that it will be impossible for this Mission to carry out its instructions, as contained in 3a, while the Roumanians occupy the city of Budapest in force and exercise complete control over all municipal and government functions.
It is recommended that the Roumanian Commander in Chief be requested immediately conform to the following:
Cease at once taking possession of any supplies or property of whatever nature.
Return at once to its owners all private property now in the possession of the Roumanians, such as automobiles, horses, carriages, or any other property of which the ownership is vested in individuals.
Turn over immediately to the de facto Hungarian Government entire control of the post, telegraph, telephone and railroad systems.
Cease at once all requisitioning of buildings, stores or property of any nature whatsoever.
Cease at once all shipments of rolling stock or Hungarian property of any kind whatsoever, and stop and return to Budapest any rolling stock or property already en route or held at outside stations.
Cease at once supervision over any public or private affairs in the city except insofar as may be directed by this Mission.
Transfer Roumanian G. H. Q., or territorial headquarters not later than 6 (18 o’clock) 16th August 1919 from Budapest to such place as may be acceptable to this Mission.
Retain one reenforced brigade of a composition to be agreed to by this Mission in Budapest or its immediate vicinity for the preservation of order.
Station one division (infantry) not nearer than 40 kilometers to the city and one cavalry division at an equal distance. Both stations to be approved by this Mission (par. 3b).
It is understood that the Roumanian Government is in complete accord with the wishes of the Supreme Council of the Peace Conference as expressed in the paragraph above referred to and its hearty cooperation can therefore be depended upon.
It is submitted that all of the foregoing is important and urgent. Bandholtz, American Representative.”

As a result the Roumanian Commander has been asked to submit tomorrow morning a report as to strength of his forces in and near Budapest, what form of police force he is maintaining and exact status of present requisition system with copies of his orders covering same.

  1. No. 3, August 12, not printed.