Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/94

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Monday, June 23, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. Lansing
    • Mr. White
    • Gen. Bliss
    • Mr. Herter
[Page 244]
Memorandum No. 391 was read, submitting a request by Mr. Ray Stannard Baker that he be permitted to return to the United States with the President. The Commissioners stated that they had no objection to Mr. Baker’s returning to the United States with the President, provided Mr. Sweetser was to remain in charge of the Press Section of the Commission. Release of Mr. Baker
Memorandum No. 392 was read, recommending that Prof. Archibald Cary Coolidge be designated as the American member of the Committee of Five appointed by the Peace Conference to consider the Austrian Notes and counter-proposals in regard to the geographical frontiers of Austria. The Commissioners approved highly of Prof. Coolidge’s appointment to this Committee. Assignment of Prof. Coolidge
Memorandum No. 393 was read with regard to the request made by Dr. W. L. Westermann and Mr. David Magie, to be relieved from the Commission. The Commissioners, though with regret, decided that, in view of the arguments presented by Messrs. Westermann and Magie, they could no longer urge these gentlemen to remain with the Commission. Their release was therefore approved. Release of Messrs. Westermannn and Magie
Mr. Herter inquired whether the Commissioners would agree to his release from the Commission in about ten days’ time or as soon as he was able to get accommodations back to the United States. Mr. Herter urged personal reasons for desiring to return. The Commissioners approved of Mr. Herter’s release within the time indicated. Release of Mr. Herter
Mr. Herter inquired whether the Commissioners would consider Lieut. A. A. Berle’s release from the Commission in accordance with the request made by Dr. Lord on behalf of that officer a few days previous. The Commissioners agreed that, all things considered, they would be willing to approve Lieut. Berle’s request for release. Release of Lieut. Berle