Paris Peace Conf. 184.6/69: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace

3637. Your 4823, October 25th, 1 [11] p.m. Department approves arrangement therein set forth with the understanding that the records both past and future will be kept apart from the Embassy archives and forwarded to the Department as soon as possible. For use of the Department, please forward: [Page 656]

A complete catalogue of all SH bulletins and other documents or papers issued by American Mission.
Complete catalogue of the records of the Peace Conference including minutes of Supreme Council and all commissions and sub-commissions; include all minutes of Supreme Economic Council if possible.

In addition please forward at once complete set of documents referred to in both 1 and 2 above together with any indices of same which mission may have. The documents which have been sent to the Department are widely scattered and used in various offices of the Department and it is essential that Department should have a complete file set of the records above mentioned for reference as the Department cannot take consistent and considerate action without a complete and readily available set of the documents included in 1 and 2 above named.
