
The Secretary of State to President Wilson

My Dear Mr. President: I have read your letter to Senator Lodge as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations,80 enclosing [Page 628] copies of the various drafts of the Covenant.

My only criticism is that you indicate that there were memoranda relating to the debates in the Commission on the League of Nations which you cannot deliver to them on account of their being in the hands of your colleagues in Paris. I think that this may result in their saying to you that they wish to have copies of these memoranda and would like you to telegraph for them.

My own view is, in regard to the proceedings which took place before the Commissions, that they are all of a confidential nature and would require the assent of all the other nations before you could present them to a Senate Committee. This, as you will recall, is the position we took when Mr. Clemenceau asked whether we would be willing to consent to the submission of the minutes on the League of Nations to the French Senate.81 I fear that putting it solely on the ground of the memoranda not being in your hands will compel you later to refuse on the ground which I have stated.

My suggestion is that you state that ground in your letter and in that way prevent a further request.

Faithfully yours,

Robert Lansing
  1. For text of the letter as sent, see p. 629.
  2. See pp. 611, 612.