Paris Peace Conf. 811.001/339: Telegram

The Chargé in Roumania (Sehoenfeld) to the Ambassador in France (Wallace)66

Please repeat to Department.

I am requested by the Marshal of the Court to transmit following message from His Majesty the King of Roumania to the President: [Page 609]

“To the President of the United States: I profit by the occasion of the signing of the peace with Germany to send to you my warmest congratulations. I hope with all my heart that this first act of the gigantic work, crowning the efforts and sacrifices of millions of men who fought for the cause of justice, will open a new era of good will and prosperity; an era in which will be recognized and maintained the unquestionable right of all nations, great and small, who have suffered so cruelly by the vicissitudes of war, to be equally free and independent, and in which they shall be permitted freely to express their ideals and to build new lives upon the ruins of the old.

Roumania has fought for the realization of her long-deferred hope of national unity and the establishment of those rights so often in the past denied to small nations. She has seen her territory overrun, her prosperity destroyed, and her people subjected to untold hardships without pity through relentless foreign occupation. She places her trust in the spirit of fairness of the President and people of the American Republic in these moments of difficulty and danger when she is gallantly striving to maintain her position and perform her full duty as a bulwark of order and civilization in Southeastern Europe. (Signed) Ferdinand.”

  1. Copy of telegram received by the Commission to Negotiate Peace from the Embassy in France.