Paris Peace Conf. 184.1/19

The Secretary General of the Commission to Negotiate Peace ( Grew ) to the Executive Secretary of the Commission to Negotiate Peace ( Patchin )1

Subject: Committee on Personnel.

In view of the express wish of the Commissioners that no additional personnel be assigned to the Commission except to fulfill absolutely essential duties which the present personnel cannot adequately perform, it becomes necessary to form a committee within the organization to take charge of this question. This Committee will carefully examine every application for new assignments of civilians, officers, or enlisted men, and after investigating the necessity for the assignments and the records of the individuals applied for will make specific recommendations to the Secretary of the Commission, giving all available facts and circumstances upon which the applications are based, so that each case may be submitted to the Commissioners for their approval.
You are hereby requested to form such a Committee, of which you will be chairman, and to advise me of your choice of members for this body, so that I may duly inform them of their designations.
I believe that the Committee should be known as the Committee on Personnel, and that Captain Patterson, as Executive Officer of the Commission, should be a member ex-officio.
  1. For the names, positions, and functions of the principal members of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace, see p. 552.