Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/159

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, October 2, 1919, 3:30 p.m.

  • Present:
    • Mr. Polk
    • Mr. White
    • General Bliss
    • Mr. Harrison

I. The Commissioners approved the release of Mr. Lester H. Woolsey, Lieutenant R. E. Condon and Mr. H. G. Crocker as stated in Memorandum 577. Release of Messrs. Woolsey, Condon and Crocker

II. Memorandum 578 regarding a recommendation submitted by General Bandholtz that his British, French and Italian colleagues on the Interallied Mission to Budapest be a warded the American Distinguished Service Medal, was read. D. S. M. for British, French and Italian Members of Budapest Mission

At the suggestion of Mr. Polk, the Commissioners directed that the matter be held in abeyance for the time being.

III. Memorandum 579 with regard to the report on Montenegro submitted by the Count de Salis was read and noted by the Commissioners. De Salis’ Report on Montenegro

IV. A memorandum dated October 1st, addressed by Mr. McNeir to the Commissioners through the Secretary General, was read.

The Commissioners approved the recommendation that eleven out of the forty-seven cars now in the service of the Mission be turned over to the Motor Transport Corps immediately. Commission Cars

The Commissioners desired that the question of possible further reduction in the number of Commission cars should be brought up for consideration some time after the sixth instant.

In this relation the Commissioners gave direction that no cars should be used for trips to the front or the devastated regions without their explicit permission.

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V. Mr. Polk referred to the request which had been presented to him by Commander McLean for permission to return to the United States. The Commander had stated that his work could be taken over by the Army officer of whom he had spoken to Mr. Polk. Release of Commander McLean

On this understanding, the Commissioners approved the release of Commander McLean.