Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/116

Minutes of the Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, July 18, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. White
    • Gen. Bliss
    • Mr. Harrison

I. Memorandum No. 479 of July 17th, was read, recommending the release of Captain D. B. Gilchrist, Librarian of the Commission, to be effective July 20th, in view of the necessity for his returning to the United States at an early date to accept a position with the University of Rochester. Attached to the memorandum and covered by it, was a suggestion by Dr. Lord that Captain Gilchrist be detailed to convoy back to America about ten boxes of books which the Harvard University Library had sent to Paris for the use of the Peace Commission. Release of Captain D. B. Gilchrist and Return to America in His Care of Books of Harvard University

Understanding that such current work in the Library as is necessary can be handled by his assistant, the Commissioners approved the release of Captain Gilchrist as indicated above, and concurred in Dr. Lord’s suggestion, relative to the return of the books in question to Harvard University in the care of Captain Gilchrist.

II. Memorandum No. 480 of July 17th, was read, recommending the discontinuation of the services of Mr. James J. McNerney on and after August 1st next. Release of Mr. James J. McNerney

The Commissioners approved the release of Mr. McNerney to be effective August 1st.

III. Memorandum No. 481 of July 17th, relative to the release of Dr. R. H. Lord, from duty with the Commission, was read. The memorandum stated that, in view of the fact that certain matters with which Dr. Lord is concerned have not as yet been completed, he had agreed to remain with the Commission until August 9th, by which time he is of the opinion that these questions will have been settled. The Question of the Release of Dr. R. H. Lord

As Dr. Lord had previously been granted release from the Commission “to be effective not earlier than July 19th”, the Commissioners noted with appreciation his decision to continue with the Commission until August 9th, and directed that a letter to this effect be sent to him in their behalf.