Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/113

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Wednesday, July 16th, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. White
    • Gen. Bliss
    • Mr. Harrison

I. Memorandum No. 473 regarding Lieutenant Burden’s resignation and his recommendation that Captain Paul Chapin should replace him was read. Release of Lieutenant Burden and Assignment of Captain Chapin

The Commissioners regretted that Mr. Burden found it necessary to submit his resignation, but in view of the strong recommendations Mr. Burden had submitted regarding Captain Chapin the Commissioners approved the proposed transfer, and accepted Mr. Burden’s resignation.

II. Memorandum No. 474 regarding the inquiry as to whether the Commissioners thought it desirable that a successor be appointed to General Patrick on the Aeronautical Commission was read. Aeronautical Commission Appointment of a Successor to Gen. Patrick on the

The Commissioners approved in principle that somebody should be appointed to take General Patrick’s place, although it was understood that the question of the approval of the draft convention submitted by the Aeronautical Commission was now in the hands of Mr. Lansing who had undertaken to let the Supreme Council have a definite answer in this regard within three weeks.

III. Memorandum No. 475 regarding Mr. G. L. Beer’s request for release from further service with the Commission to take effect on or about July 26th, was read. Release of Mr. G. L. Beer

The Commissioners had no objection to granting this release provided the work on which Mr. Beer is now engaged should be completed by that date.

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IV. Memorandum No. 476 regarding the termination of the lease for the Hotel Coislin, 4 Place de la Concorde, was read and noted by the Commissioners. In view of the information in the above mentioned memorandum, the Commissioners approved the proposed letter to Mr. Edgar Sincay accompanying memorandum No. 477 of July 8th, 1919. Termination of Lease for the Hotel Coislin

The Commissioners heard Mr. Poole on the situation in Russia.