Paris Peace Conf. 184.00101/103

Minutes of the Daily Meetings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Friday, July 4, 1919

  • Present:
    • Mr. Lansing
    • Mr. White
    • Gen. Bliss
    • Mr. Herter
The Commissioners approved of the suggestion made by Mr. White that Mr. Thomas Barclay, who is at present in Paris, attached to the American Red Cross, should be attached to the Commission for services in Mr. White’s office. At the same time, they approved of Mr. Barclay’s being given the sum of $150.00 per month and be[ing] furnished quarters in the Hotel Crillon, also guaranteeing his return passage to the United States, provided the American Red Cross is not willing to pay it. Employment of Mr. Barclay
Mr. Herter read a memorandum prepared by Mr. Grew in which he made inquiry as to whether all matters pertaining to the Russian situation should first be referred to Mr. Dresel. The Commissioners felt that it would be unnecessary for Mr. Dresel to pass first upon matters which would later be referred to General Bliss. This might merely cause unnecessary delay in getting papers sent out from the Commission, and the Commissioners feel that they have absolute confidence in any decisions which General Bliss may take. Russian Situation
Mr. Herter read certain correspondence from Mr. George Howe, with regard to the budget for the American Delegation to the Inter-Allied Teschen Commission for the next fiscal year. The Commissioners approved of the budget submitted. Inter-Allied Teschen Commission
Mr. Herter read a letter from Mr. Norman to Mr. Grew with regard to the request of the Secretary-General of the Polish Delegation at the Peace Conference to be supplied with extracts of the meetings of the Council of Four at which Mr. Paderewski and Mr. Dmowski were present. Minutes of Council of Four
The Commissioners approved of the attitude taken by Mr. Norman in the premises, namely, that the Polish Delegation should not be supplied with copies of the Minutes in question, because of their confidential nature.
Memorandum No. 438 was read, inquiring whether the Commissioners approved of Lieutenant-Colonel Greene’s being authorized to purchase one Cadillac automobile, one Dodge car, and one ½ ton truck or field observation car, together with the necessary tires, spare parts, etc. for use in connection with the Baltic Mission. The Commissioners approved of the purchases in question. Motor Transportation for Baltic Mission
Memorandum No. 439 was read, submitting a telegram which it was proposed sending to the American Legation, Warsaw, regarding the desire of the Polish Government to send a special mission to Dantzig to arrange with the German authorities regarding shipments into Poland and requesting the assistance of the American Government in facilitating the trip of the Polish Delegates. The Commissioners approved of the telegram. Telegram to Warsaw
Memorandum No. 438, in regard to certain Belgian propaganda, was read and noted by the Commissioners. Belgian Propaganda
  1. The text of minute 4 is that of a correction issued later.