Paris Peace Conf. 185.14/1
The Acting Secretary of
State to the Commission to Negotiate
, January
2, 1919.
[Received January 19.]
Sirs: I have the honor to enclose, for your
information, a copy of a note dated December 11, 1918, from the Embassy
of the French Republic, suggesting the advantage of having France, the
United States, England, Belgium, and Italy join a convention for the
adoption of rules of aerial navigation.
I have [etc.]
The French Chargé (
) to the Acting
Secretary of State
, December 11, 1918.
Mr. Secretary of State: My Government
reminds me that the International Conference held in Paris in 1910
for the adoption of rules of aerial navigation could achieve nothing
but a draft of a convention which has not been signed.
On the other hand, a French Commission, profiting by the experiences
gained in the war has drafted another text not so lengthy but also
in better harmony with the present conditions of aviation.
Under those circumstances the Government of the Republic believes
that there would be advantage in having France, the United States,
England and Belgium and Italy agree to draw up jointly a convention
which would then be submitted to the other allies and to which the
neutral states might in turn be permitted to adhere.
Should the Federal Government concur in this view, the French
Government would be glad if one or more representatives were
appointed to attend a limited conference which would meet in Paris
at the earliest possible date.
I shall be thankful to you if you will kindly enable me to report how
this proposal was received by the Government of the United
Be pleased [etc.]