Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume I

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Volume I
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Treaties
- List of Principal Persons
- List of Papers
- Termination of Hostilities: (Documents 1–15)
- American Plans and Preparations for the Peace Conference: (Documents 16–229)
- Organization and work of “The Inquiry” (Documents 16–71)
- Choice of place for the Conference and arrangements for the accommodation
of the Commission to Negotiate Peace (Documents 72–86)
- President Wilson’s trip to
Europe (Documents 87–133)
- Personnel of the American Commission to Negotiate Peace (Documents 134–187)
- Arrangements for securing information (Documents 188–213)
- Censorship and relations with the press (Documents 214–229)
- Organization and work of “The Inquiry” (Documents 16–71)
- Representation of Countries and Nationalities at the Peace Conference: (Documents 230–310)
- American Republics (Documents 230–255)
- Scandinavian countries (Documents 256–259)
- China (Documents 260–270)
- Finland (Document 271)
- Hejaz (Documents 272–273)
- Liberia (Documents 274–280)
- Montenegro (Documents 281–282)
- Persia (Documents 283–289)
- Poland (Documents 290–291)
- Roumania (Documents 292–294)
- Russia
(Documents 295–304)
- Switzerland (Documents 305–310)
- American Republics (Documents 230–255)
- Policies and Proposals of the United States and the Allies: (Documents 311–380)
- The United States (Documents 311–325)
- The Inter-Allied Conference at London, December 1918 (Documents 326–335)
- France (Documents 336–346)
- Great Britain (Documents 347–353)
- Italy (Documents 354–372)
- Japan (Documents 373–380)
- The United States (Documents 311–325)
- Proposals for a League of Nations (Documents 381–396)
- Other Proposals for the Agenda of the Peace Conference: (Documents 397–426)
- International telegraphic communication (Documents 397–398)
- Labor questions (Documents 399–406)
- Liberian affairs (Documents 407–412)
- Rules for aerial navigation (Documents 413–414)
- The Tacna-Arica question
(Documents 415–426)
- International telegraphic communication (Documents 397–398)
- Index