Amendment Suggested by Dr. S. E. Mezes to the Tentative Draft of an Agreement for an Association of Nations11


The Representatives of the Powers, at their first meeting, and every six years thereafter, shall, by majority vote, choose from among their number an Executive Committee composed of the Representatives of seven Powers, whose Representatives shall constitute the Executive Committee for the ensuing six years.

No determination of the Representatives of the Powers shall be effective if disapproved within ten days after the date thereof by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.


The Representatives of the Powers, at their first meeting, shall, by majority vote, choose from among their number an Executive Committee of five (?) members, each of whom shall hold office for a term of six (?) years and until his successor is chosen.

[Page 515]

The successors of the members of the Executive Committee, either for a like term of six years or for an unexpired portion of a term, as the case may be, shall be chosen in like manner.

No determination of the Representatives of the Powers shall be effective if disapproved within ten days after the date thereof by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

  1. Reprinted from Miller, My Diary, vol. ii, p. 480.

    It is stated ibid., note a, that II is the amendment as originally submitted by Dr. Mezes, while I is the amendment as revised by Mr. Miller during discussion with Dr. Mezes on December 23.

    Text of the Tentative Draft of an Agreement for an Association of Nations is printed ante, p. 505.