763.72119/3155: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Commission to Negotiate Peace
29. Following received from Montevideo, dated December 24, 7 p.m.:
“Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs has just submitted following memorandum for transmission to Department:
‘The Swiss Legation in Argentine in charge of German interests in Uruguay has addressed Uruguayan Ministry for Foreign Affairs advising that it has received [Page 229] instructions from new German Government to the effect that said German Government protests against the taking over by the Uruguayan Government the German vessels interned in the port of Montevideo. The communication adds that the German Government will not fail to exercise its rights against Uruguay at whatever time and manner it may deem convenient. This communication of the German Government shows that there is a concrete difference to be discussed and settled between Germany and Uruguay in consequence of one of the actions taken by Uruguayan Government when it broke relations with Germany. This, together with other questions arising from action taken by Uruguayan Government, would seem to indicate necessity for presence at Peace Conference of Uruguayan representation in order that such matters may be properly considered.’
Department in reply has instructed Minister, Montevideo, merely to acknowledge receipt. Have you any views to express to guide Department?