File No. 867.48/856
The Secretary of State to
the British Ambassador on Special Mission (
May 17, 1918.
My Dear Lord Reading: With reference to my letter to you of
May 9, 1918, and in order to comply with the requirements of the War
Industries Board, Council of National Defense, in connection with the
shipment of certain medical supplies for the use of the American Zionist
Medical Unit which is about to proceed to Palestine, I am sending you
herewith a memorandum officially recognizing this Unit as a society
authorized to lend the services of its sanitary personnel and formations
to the British Government.
I am [etc.]
The Department of State
to the British Embassy
The United States of America pursuant to the practice outlined in
article 2 of the convention for the amelioration of conditions
[Page 559]
of the armies in the
field, signed at Geneva, July 6, 1906 (which the United States does
not consider as binding on it in the present war), hereby officially
recognizes the American Zionist Medical Unit of Palestine as a
society authorized to lend the services of its sanitary personnel
and formations to the British Government, and consents to its doing
Since the United States is not at war with Turkey where the Zionist
Unit is to be employed, the society is to be regarded as a society
of a neutral state whose function in accordance with existing
practice is merely to recognize officially the said Unit and to
consent to its use. It is presumed that the British Government which
is the belligerent to accept the assistance of this Unit, will
desire to notify the enemy before making any use of the Unit.
May 17,