File No. 867.48/856

The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador on Special Mission ( Reading)

My Dear Lord Reading: I have been giving careful consideration to the request of the Provisional Zionist Committee for permission to send a medical unit to Palestine, and the statement in your note [Page 558] No. 304 of March 21, that His Majesty’s Government have no objection to the despatch of the mission provided it be so recognized by the United States Government and that this recognition be notified to the enemy, in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva convention.

This Government has no objection to the formation of this unit but in view of the fact that the United States has not declared war on Turkey, that no American troops are engaged on that front, and inasmuch as the Zionist Medical Unit is to be employed with the British forces in Palestine, it appears that the notification to the enemy should properly be made by His Majesty’s Government.

In the correspondence which the Department has had with the Provisional Zionist Committee regarding this medical unit, it appears that they desire to use as their emblem “the Red Shield of David.” While not disapproving this emblem, the Department is pointing out to the Committee the possibility of confusion by the use of too many emblems in the field, and suggesting the advisability of adopting the Red Cross which emblem is internationally recognized as the distinctive sign of the sanitary service. It is possible that you may care to note this fact in connection with the final acceptance of the service of this unit with the British military forces.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing