File No. 860c.48/51

The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State


3392. For Hoover [from Dresel]:

Department’s 1091, November 5, 1917,2 Legation’s 2510 and 2511, January 26,3 from Dresel and Hoover [ De Horodyski] respectively. Fresh appeals have been received from prominent Poles here and in view of great value at the present time of friendship of Poland I venture again call attention to possibility of further assistance to Central Committee of Warsaw. I feel still that money remittances begun in November and December could be well continued, but if this deemed impossible I hope that shipments of condensed milk or evaporated milk for use of babies and little children in Poland, as outlined Department’s 1091 and Legation’s 2511, may be yet arranged considering terrible situation of infants in Poland which undoubtedly exists. The cooperation of the Swiss authorities here is assured, though Swiss milk would not be allowed to leave the country. Such consignments would have inspiring effect as propaganda. I fully [Page 532] realize the difficulties of transport and other arrangements, of acquiring guarantees, and of obtaining consent of Allied Governments, but need is so much that I believe no stone should be left unturned to accomplish desired results. Dresel.

  1. Ante, p. 519.
  2. Not printed.