File No. 841.801/132

The Consul General at London ( Skinner) to the Secretary of State


Admiralty Notice No. 536 of [April 26,] 1918 states that in view of unrestricted warfare carried on by Germany at sea by means of mines and submarines not only against the Allied Powers, but also against neutral shipping, and fact that merchant ships are constantly sunk without regard to ultimate safety of their crews, following [Page 1764] prohibited area will be established in the North Sea on May 15, dangerous to all shipping, and should be avoided. Area is enclosed by line joining following positions:

Latitude 59° 121/2′ N., longitude 4° 49′ E.
Latitude 59° 20′ N., longitude 3° 10′ E.
Latitude 58° 25′ N., longitude 50′ W.
Latitude 59° 20′ N., longitude 50′ W.
Latitude 60° 21′ N., longitude 3° 10′ E.
Latitude 60° N., longitude 4° 56′ E., thence along western limits of Norwegian territorial waters to position 1.
