File No. 654.119/221

The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall ) to the Secretary of State


3210. For War Trade Board:

No. 18. I am informed by men from Switzerland that Swiss Minister, Washington, has telegraphed stating that no wheat ships for Switzerland can leave United States for next three months. [Page 1619] This is having very bad effect in Government circles and may threaten success of pending commercial negotiations which were believed to be completed. The situation with regard to food is undoubtedly serious and the Swiss fear a catastrophe. In especial view of this anxiety and of German threats to restrict and condition coal exports, I must emphasize most strongly the necessity of giving immediate [omission] and assurances including, if possible, denial of statement above. This will, at least some extent, relieve the tension. If such assurances can be followed by prompt expedition of wheat ships, even at the cost of real sacrifices in other directions, political and moral effect here would be almost incalculable. In my opinion the critical moment for decisive action has arrived. Dresel.

I fully concur opinions above expressed and consider it urgent that some statement be made by Government immediately as labor troubles are anticipated in early days of May and publication of reported Sulzer message might precipitate difficulties.
