File No. 600.119/595

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page)


7036. For Sheldon [from War Trade Board]:

No. 248. Embassy No. 9147, March 20, 11 p.m. Your No. 314. The creation of Inter-Allied Blockade Committee with functions you indicate is approved. With reference to local joint committees, it is our view that their duties will be:

To arrange with local import organizations or with government so that joint committee will be promptly informed of all applications for import permits;
To advise such local import organizations as to action on applications in so far as such advice will be accepted;
To inform themselves [so] that they can intelligently make recommendations to Contraband Committee in London as to whether export licenses should be granted to correspond with such import permits as may have been issued;
To supervise informally the workings of local import organizations so as to determine whether these organizations are conforming to such undertakings against re-export, etc., as they may have given;
To study general trade conditions with a view to making recommendations as to methods by which the blockade of Germany may be made more effective and our influence with the neutral increased.

In carrying out (1), (2) and (4), we believe the local committee should have freedom of action under the advice of the local legations of Associated Governments. Recommendations under point (3) will be made direct to or for the Contraband Committee, London. Recommendations [Page 977] under point (5) will be made through respective legations, to home foreign offices, which in turn would normally consult with Inter-Allied Blockade Committee, London.
