File No. 656.119/589
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands ( Garrett)
1753. Legation’s 3318, July 3, noon. We note that statement of Minister of Foreign Affairs on dispatch of convoy to East Indies [Page 1512] bases necessity therefor on stagnation of traffic to the East Indies as a result of Dutch ships being requisitioned. We trust that you will avail of any opportunity which presents itself to bring home to the Dutch people that the stagnation of shipping referred to results solely from German action. Dutch ships in the Pacific which are free from German control are moving freely. It is only Dutch ships in Dutch European ports and which are consequently within the sphere of operation of German submarines, which are being tied up. German prize-court regulations are operating to prevent the movement of those Dutch ships which under assurances heretofore given by Associated Governments are permanently immune from requisition by these Governments.