File No. 656.119/261b

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page )1


6881. For Sheldon [from War Trade Board]:

No. 200. We are apprehensive lest the Dutch reply to Great Britain’s proposal be an acceptance in form but leave for subsequent adjustment many matters of detail which will necessitate prolonging negotiations and ultimately give Holland under German pressure an excuse for evading compliance at a time when our position in respect to requisitioning will be much less favorable than at present. We are particularly solicitous since the shipping situation is such that we deem it imperative that we should not continue to hold Dutch shipping in our ports inactive any longer than absolutely necessary. We therefore recommend that any Dutch reply be promptly rejected unless it is an acceptance so complete and without reservation, that we could with safety promptly send Dutch ships away from our waters on war service either within or without the danger zones.

Repeat to Garrett.

  1. See last sentence for instruction to repeat to Garrett, U. S. Minister in the Netherlands.