File No. 658.119/607
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Sweden ( Whitehouse)
1122. Legation’s 2804, September 7, 6 p.m.1 Department authorizes inclusion in note of demand for a statement of all exports or licenses for exports to Germany since the conclusion of the Swedish agreement with Germany. It is not desired at this time to demand the resignation of the president of the Handels Kommission. It is felt that so drastic a demand should not be made until full facts are obtained and accordingly Department now stands on instructions contained in its 1077, September 5, 3 p.m., as modified hereby. You may, however, add to the note set out in Department’s 1077 a sentence to the effect that the failure of Handels Kommission to make full disclosure of exports to Germany has shaken the confidence of the Government of the United States in the Handels. Kommission as at present constituted and that this lack of confidence cannot but seriously affect the agreement as a whole in the performance of which the Handels Kommission plays so important a part.
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