File No. 657.119/480d

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Norway ( Schmedeman)


301. For Dye from War Trade Board:

With the conclusion of the Norwegian agreement it becomes of immediate importance that the several trade associations be promptly and effectively re-organized to the end that they may efficiently perform the functions which will devolve upon them under the agreement.

We do not propose to issue export licenses for commodities controlled by associations until such associations have been re-organized in satisfactory manner as contemplated by the agreement. This makes re-organization a matter of urgency. We will also desire your suggestions as soon as possible as to further articles which should in your opinion be placed under control of associations, as we are preparing to license immediately non-essential and uncontrolled [Page 1184] articles. All licenses issued by us will be issued subject to plan outlined in our No. 113 for Sheldon, February 18, 1918,1 which we understand was forwarded to you, with the modifications introduced in said plan by plan for local Allied trade committees approved by Department’s circular, April 8, 6 p.m.2

We assume that this re-organization of existing associations and the creation of new ones will be carried out with the cooperation and under the supervision of the Allied Trade Committee. We wish to impress upon you the importance of seeing that this work is done promptly and efficiently and so that no undue preference will be given to the trade of any one of the Associated Governments. We feel that it might be desirable were Owen to proceed to Christiania to confer with you on this subject and to benefit by getting a first hand acquaintance with the work of re-creating the trade associations. We are making such a suggestion to Owen.

  1. Ante, p. 963.
  2. Not printed.