War Trade Board Files: American-Norwegian Agreement, Vol. II

The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission ( Nansen) to the Chairman of the War Trade Board ( McCormick)

My Dear Mr. McCormick: In connection with my note of the 2d inst. I believe that I ought not to leave you unacquainted with the comment which quite recently appeared in the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, referring to the now published American proposal for an agreement with Norway. The comment which by Wolff’s Bureau in Berlin was communicated telegraphically to Christiania, read as follows:

Such a onesided interpretation of neutrality, which in Norway has also been practiced and already on several occasions has led to exchanges of notes with the Central Powers, can evidently not this time remain unanswered. The Norwegian Government must make themselves familiar with the thought that the answer from Germany will not confine itself to an exchange of notes, but will through contrary measures endeavour to make the German viewpoint respected.

I need hardly add that the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung is the recognized mouthpiece of the German Government.

Believe me,

Very sincerely yours,

Fridtjof Nansen