File No. 763.72112Sa/30
The French High Commissioner ( Tardieu) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 6.]
Mr. Secretary: Pursuant to my letter of the 15th ultimo,1 I beg to inform you that I have received the following information from my Government:
The French Government, after a meeting which took place in London on the 27th ultimo, adopted the text of the note which was decided at this meeting, regarding German safe-conducts, to be communicated to neutral countries.
My Government has sent instructions to their representatives in the neutral countries to notify them that they approve the procedure adopted by the Associated Governments.
They have also asked the British Government that the Associated Governments arrange a date for the handing over of the note.
The publishing of this note, both in the Allied and neutral press, would take place on the following day.
My Government adds that the present state of the French special war regulations does not allow the Government to take action along the lines of the note above mentioned.
Boats provided with these certificates could not at the present moment be given over to prize courts. They could only be diverted from their route, completely inspected, and forced to discharge their cargo and spend a considerable length of time in an Allied port.
This would result in a large amount of tonnage lying idle, and in an unwarranted annoyance.
As a matter of fact we would be almost disarmed, as we would have to let any vessel go, which was provided with a German safe-conduct, if she did not carry any merchandise for the enemy.
The matter stands quite differently with the British and American Governments. The former passed orders in council on the 10th of January and the 16th of February, allowing them to hand over to the prize courts any vessel which has eluded inspection in any British port. The American Government is also in a position to take similar action.
In view of these circumstances my Government, in order to make the note above referred to of effect, is obliged to render the decree, the contents of which I communicated to you in my letters of July 8 and 15.
This decree will be rendered by the French Government as soon as the note has been delivered and published.
[Page 1095]My Government, in giving me this information, requests me to hand it to you.
Accept [etc.]