File No. 763.72112Sa/5
The French High Commissioner ( Tardieu) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 9.]
Mr. Secretary: By a decree dated April 27, 1918, the German Government has declared that a neutral boat would be considered as sailing in the interest of the enemy’s war operations, when the major part of the merchant marine of the state, under whose flag it stands, would sail in behalf of the enemy, or when that state would have entered into an agreement with an enemy state entailing cession of tonnage.
The German Government, on the other hand, in order to impede our sailings, forces neutral vessels to provide themselves with safe-conducts delivered by the German consuls and thereby controls cargoes at the sailings from neutral ports.
[Page 1085]This situation has alarmed the Allied Governments and the American War Trade Board has laid it before its representative in Paris
After studying the question, the French Government is of opinion that the only appropriate measure is to consider all neutral beats met on high seas, or in our ports, which should be provided with German safe-conducts, as boats in the service of the enemy.
It has therefore decided to issue a decree as follows:
- Art. 1. The neutral vessels, which will be provided with safe conducts delivered by the enemy authorities [and not recognized by the Allied Governments1] will be considered, if no proofs are furnished to the contrary, as sailing in the interest of the hostile operations of the enemy and, on this account, will be liable to seizure and confiscation, together with their cargo.
- Art. 2. The Ministers of the Navy, of the Blockade and for Foreign Affairs are entrusted, each one for his own department, with the carrying out of this decree.
I am instructed by my Government to bring the above facts to your knowledge and to ask you to kindly let me know whether the American Government is inclined to take measures of a similar nature.
Accept [etc.]
- This correction was contained in a letter of July 15 from the High Commissioner (File No. 763.72112Sa/14).↩