File No. 763.72/9895
The Minister in Norway ( Schmedeman) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11.45 p.m.]
709. An official German announcement, dated April 27 last, has been republished here embodying an addition to section 55 (c) of the German prize regulations of September 30, 1909. The addition is as follows in translation:
A neutral ship is to be considered as running in enemy belligerent interest, in so far as circumstances do not show the contrary, when the state whose flag the ship is entitled to fly has ceded tonnage by agreement to an enemy state, or when the preponderating share of the neutral country’s active merchant fleet runs in enemy service. This regulation takes effect on the day of publication.
Minister of Foreign Affairs informed me today that he was not disturbed [by] the effect of this announcement on ships carrying supplies to Norway, but that the German Minister here had telegraphed his Government for further information regarding the new regulation. Minister of Foreign Affairs said that he would keep me informed in the matter.