File No. 763.72112/10627
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France ( Sharp)
6510. For McFadden [from War Trade Board]:
No. 453. Embassy 5646, October 31, 10 p.m., your 552. We are prepared to adopt the suggestion of the French Government that the Belgian Government be requested to adopt an enemy trade list and to join in the various measures of trade control adopted by the Government of the United States. A communication in this sense is being addressed by the Department to the Belgian Legation at Washington.
We are prepared in agreement with Great Britain, France, and Italy to invite Belgium to appoint delegates to the Inter-Allied Black-List Committee and enemy trade license conferences in Washington, London, and Paris. You are authorized, provided your colleagues concur, to join with them in requesting the appointment of a Belgian delegate for the Paris conferences, and, provided the British, French, and Italian representatives here agree, we shall invite the Belgian Legation, Washington, to appoint a representative to attend the Washington conferences.