File No. 763.72112A/303

The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page) to the Secretary of State


8327. For War Trade Board:

No. 49. Frothingham to Fuller.2 Statutory list 41–A. No names have been added to Portugal list since July 1916 account Portugal status as ally. Foreign Trade Department inclined believe you would prefer omit Portugal entries on enemy trading list. For this reason understand they are considering discontinuance account continued representations Portugal Government. Please instruct whether you wish me review evidence this section. Believe you will find abstracts evidence against Spanish statutory list entries indefinite and in general unsatisfactory. In reviewing Spanish cases have found it necessary examine complete dossiers for nearly every entry. In marked contrast to border neutral evidence I find numerous cases rest on indefinite and circumstantial evidence, for which reason recommend following exceptions from Spanish list in 41–A, pages 77 to 91 inclusive.3 All other names are eligible American enemy trading list per evidence. …

  1. Director of the Bureau of War Trade Intelligence.
  2. List of exceptions not printed.