File No. 763.72112/10997
The Secretary of State to the Netherland Chargé ( De Beaufort)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note dated November 6, 1918,1 in which it is requested that the Department send to the Netherlands Legation, four copies of the United States prize regulations, as they have been issued and published during the present war, and in case the verdicts of the United States prize courts are published, to be supplied with four copies of these verdicts during the present war.
I have the honor to enclose four typewritten copies of the United States laws on prize as they appear in the eighth volume of the second edition of a compilation of the laws of the United States entitled “Federal Statutes Annotated,”1 there being available no printed copies of these laws in separate form, and also four copies of Instructions for the Navy of the United States Governing Maritime Warfare, issued in June, 1917, which contain among other matters, certain regulations governing the action of the Navy of the United States concerning prizes. There appear to have been no cases brought before the United States courts concerning prizes during the existence of the present war.
Accept [etc.]