File No. 861.77/597

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Morris)


Your December 31, 7 p.m. If you deem advisable transmit following message from Department for Stevens:

The Department is greatly concerned because of the reports received daily of the distress in Siberia due to the present intolerable [Page 306] conditions of transportation. It would seem that some plan of action must be adopted at once as the position is now such that the responsibility for further delay in attempting to solve this vital problem may be, with reason, laid upon us and that, therefore, unless we are willing to undertake the task in the face of existing difficulties we should promptly give way to others who will. The Department is eagerly awaiting your decision as to the plan as finally presented to you by Ambassador Morris.

For your personal information. Department commends as a working basis the modified plan you have secured and believes it should be tried but as Stevens must operate plan believes decision must rest with him especially in view of opinions he has expressed.
