File No. 861.00/3326
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Japan (Morris)
Your December 2, 10 p.m.,1 and December 3, 1 a.m.2 Department approves the plans you suggest on the understanding that Mr. Stevens will be president of the technical board and be able in that capacity to make his special qualifications serve to the best advantage and in full reliance upon the sincere cooperation of Japanese civil and military authorities in carrying out the plan. You may so inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs. This Government is concerned in the Siberian Railway situation primarily because reports show quite clearly that paralysis of railway traffic under existing conditions renders it impossible to furnish to the Russians in Siberia the assistance which is vital to enable them to pass the winter without great misery and hardship. Furthermore, the whole question of shipping supplies which may be available for the Russians and Czech forces in Siberia is imperiled. The Department would be glad to receive the proposed plan as a reply on the part of Viscount Ishii to the Department’s communications to him on this subject, but hopes this will not delay the execution of the plan. The Department [Page 293] also approves your proceeding to Vladivostok as suggested and wishes you to impress upon Mr. Stevens the desire of this Government that he will be willing to undertake this opportunity to make effective the most important assistance which the United States can render to Russia at this juncture and which his patience under difficult conditions has now rendered practicable. Inform Vladivostok for General Graves and Peking fully regarding situation.