File No. 861.77/487
The Chargé in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 20, 2.52 a.m.]
Following telegram has been received from Harbin:
17th. Chinese Governor called to-day complain General Gaida’s1 order establishing military court Harbin and practically putting railway zone under martial law. Says even if Gaida acting for Russians, latter never had such extensive powers. I explained we knew nothing Gaida action and promised bring matter attention Legation. Horvat evidently agreed Gaida order as he has not protested any way I know of. Strike practically ended when Gaida acted but his order possibly stopped similar action part Japanese. Would appear martial law necessary on railway and Czechs acting behalf Russians. Possibly best solution though may be [necessary to] quiet Chinese artisans [authorities?] by some sort explanation, governor intimated Chinese troops should be ones enforce conquered [order on?] railway. He expresses great friendliness Americans but inclined believe Japanese pressing him this instance, either [directly] or through Peking.
- Of the Czeeho-Slovak troops in Siberia.↩