File No. 861.77/451
The Secretary of State to the Russian Ambassador (Bakhmeteff)
My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I am taking this occasion to enclose to you herewith the text of a telegram dated September 13, 1918,1 which has been sent to the American Ambassadors at London, Paris and Rome, relative to the service, in Siberia, of the Russian Railway Service Corps.
You appreciate fully the importance I attach to our purpose to assist Russia in the matter of transportation. As you already know, the American Ambassador at Tokyo has been instructed to say to the Japanese Government that I believe the technical and actual operation of the Siberian Railway, and its branches, might best be undertaken by Mr. Stevens and the American railway engineers in the service of Russia.
I have felt it not only necessary and a part of frank understanding with the Allied Governments but also advisable that our aim should be disclosed fully in order to anticipate the formation of opinion based on partial information. You already appreciate that the telegram enclosed states the whole purpose of the United States on the subject it covers, without any reservations whatsoever.
I need not add that I shall be glad to discuss with you any further questions concerning this matter which you may desire to bring to my attention.
I am [etc.]