File No. 103.9602/138c
The Secretary of State to the Consul at Archangel (Cole)
From War Trade Board:
This is our cable No. 1. Subsequent cables will be numbered serially and in cabling us you should similarly number your cables serially. Your official cables to us should all be transmitted through the Department of State.
1. The War Trade Board has appointed August Heid its representative in Vladivostok and has sent him a cable as quoted below, most of which will be applicable to Archangel region where you have already been appointed to act as War Trade Board representative. The $5,000,000 fund mentioned therein has no connection with the $6,000,000 fund established some months ago for purchase of supplies [Page 159] in Russia. For your information our cable to Heid, No. 1, reads substantially as follows:
[Here follow paragraphs 2 to 14 of telegram sent to Heid through the Ambassador in Japan, temporarily at Vladivostok, October 10, 4 p.m., ante, page 150.]