File No. 811.142/2778

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


8055. Your 5932, November 30, 4 p.m. My 7815, November 26, 6 p.m. Foreign Office has just advised that while no formal or public embargo has been placed on such shipments the export of warlike stores and of other goods to Russia from all parts of the British Empire has been suspended with the exception of limited quantities of clothing already ordered and paid for. Those latter, on recommendation of British Ambassador at Petrograd, are not being interfered with provided they are carried in Russian ships.

We are further advised that forwarding to Russia of goods already in transit in Sweden was suspended some weeks ago but [Page 106] British Minister at Stockholm was given authority to permit forwarding to Finland for Finnish consumption in small installments of certain limited quantities of foodstuffs lying in Sweden for which Swedish Government had offered to grant transit licenses.
