File No. 861.51/467

The Acting Secretary of State to the Acting Chairman of the War Trade Board (Woolley)

Sir: Referring to a communication from the War Trade Board, 634, dated January 2, 1919, regarding shipment of Russian bank notes,3 I beg to inform you that the 800 cases of bank notes which [Page 101] cleared from New York, December 21, 1918, in the steamer Tatsuno Maru and which were due to arrive at San Francisco January 9, should be removed from the vessel at that port and held pending further instructions.

I am endeavoring to ascertain whether it will be necessary to return these notes to the American Bank Note Co., or to have them safeguarded in the United States Subtreasury at San Francisco. I will advise you as soon as practicable of the decision reached.

I also wish to request that the license for 280 additional cases of bank notes which it is understood are shortly to be shipped from this country, be canceled and the Russian Embassy duly notified.

I am [etc.]

Frank L. Polk
  1. Not printed.