The armament of American merchant ships—The sinking of the Laconia, February 26, of other ships with Americans aboard, and of American ships—Austro-Hungarian aide-mémoire on submarine policy, March 2—Refusal of the American Government to receive the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador designate—Declaration of a state of war with Germany, April 6

[192] The Consul at Cork ( Frost) to the Secretary of State

File No. 841.857/401

[193] The Vice Consul at Rotterdam ( Krogh) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/94

[194] The Chargé in the Netherlands ( Langhorne) to the Secretary of State

File No. 763.72/3504

[195] The Consul at Plymouth ( Stephens) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115A13

[196] The Consul General at London ( Skinner) to the Secretary of State

File No. 841.857/404

[197] The Consul at Cork ( Frost) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/96

[198] The Ambassador-in Austria-Hungary ( Penfield) to the Secretary of State

File No. 701.6311/269

[199] The Consul at Hull ( Hathaway) to the Secretary of State

File No. 841.857/409

[200] The Consul at Plymouth ( Stephens) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115A13/3

[201] The Consul General at Marseilles ( Gaulin) to the Secretary of State

File No. 841.857/420

[202] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Austria-Hungary ( Penfield)

File No. 701.6311/269

[203] The Consul at Cork ( Frost) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115C49/4

[204] The Consul at Cork ( Frost) to the Secretary of State

File No. 841.857/423

[205] The Vice Consul at Rotterdam ( Krogh) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/100

[206] The Consul at Glasgow ( MoCunn) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115C49/8

[207] The Consul at Plymouth ( Stephens) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115V68/2:

[208] The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/102

[209] The Vice Consul at Rotterdam ( Krogh) to the Secretary of State

File No. 856.857/32

[210] The Consul at Amsterdam ( Mahin) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115H34/

[211] The Swiss Minister ( Ritter) to the Secretary of State

File No. 763.72/3587

[212] The Consul at Southampton ( Swalm) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115110/3

[213] The Consul at Cork ( Frost) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/103

[214] The Consul at Amsterdam ( Mahin) to the Secretary of State

File No. 300.115H34/6

[215] The Consul at La Rochelle ( Goodier) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/107

[216] The Ambassador in Austria-Hungary ( Penfield) to the Secretary of State

File No. 701.6311/270

[217] The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/105

[218] The Ambassador in France ( Sharp) to the Secretary of State

File No. 857.857/112

[219] The Swiss Minister ( Ritter) to the Secretary of State

File No. 763.72/3593

[220] The Consul at Liverpool ( Washington) to the Secretary of State

File No. 841.857/431

[221] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Austria-Hungary ( Penfield)

File No. 124.63/19a