File No. 611.419/414
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 20.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instructions No. 1137 of June 19 last, in regard to a report received by the Department that there exists among wool manufacturers of New England serious dissatisfaction with the action of the British Government in issuing to certain Bradford firms licenses to export yarns made from crossbred wools when the export of the crossbred wool itself is prohibited.
Pursuant to the Department’s instructions I have consulted with the Consul General in reference to this matter, and beg to report that it now appears that authorization has been granted by the Board of Trade to ship British wool to the United States on condition that the equivalent quantity of manufactured tops and yarns are exported from the United States to Great Britain. The Consul General has furnished me with copies of his cablegram dated July 1 to the Department in regard to this subject, and also of a statement which he sent to the Department by mail on the same date.
I have [etc.]